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Whirligig School Workshops

Encouraging children to build, investigate and learn

Whirligig will visit your school

Over the years, we have been contacted by many schools who are inspired by our shops and the moving toys within them.

The founder of Whirligig, Peter, was himself a primary school teacher for many years and we love to help out.

We have developed a half day workshop with our friends from Timberkits where we can help children from year 3-5 with designing, building and creating a moving automaton toy. These workshops involve us bringing in lots of moving toys to explore, showing the design principles and then working with the children to realise their projects.

If you are interested in finding out about our workshops and are a school near one of our shops, we are very happy to talk to you. Just contact us below.

Contact Us

Email Us

We aim to reply within 1-2 days

Phone Us

Head Office

01273 693241

10.30am - 5pm

7 days a week